Saturday, May 19, 2012


I realized I started this blog with all good intention of documenting the goings-on of my life, but then... well, life got in the way. That always seems to be the case. I am going to give it another attempt. I am at a conference where I got some valuable tidbits of information. And one of them was about blogging, and how important it is to keep a journal. One's thoughts are valuable and precious. They should be kept somewhere, to review as needed. But the trouble I seem to have is sticking with it. The advice I got today on writing was to write just as if you are writing an email to a friend. Well, I thought, I can do that. That is, if I don't view this as a "has to be perfect" journaling of my life, but instead, an email to a friend telling them about what happened today... well, that's not quite as daunting. The other advice/information I got was that it is important to journal things out so you can see where you've made mistakes before (sometimes even more than once) so you can either keep from repeating them, or learn what you did to get out of the situation. And I realized, when I read back through my other online journal, that is exactly what I saw. Mistakes I had made. How I worked through them. How major issues resolved themselves. Or closer to the truth, how I resolved them in my life. So I believe in the importance of journaling. I just need the discipline to do it. And the courage to do it honestly. What good is journaling if it is not honest? How will I truly learn and grow? So the challenge I present to myself is to be honest and transparent. I have discovered I need feedback on my journal. On my other online journal, the community has almost completely died. Consequently, there is no one left to provide feedback or thoughts on what I write. So I will try moving over here to see if that situation can rectify itself. So again, this is an attempt at beginning to journal again. As I begin a journey in an area where I will need life stories to draw from, I hope this will prove a good resource. I hope I make the time. I will promise myself to try.

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